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To Lead Vital Conversations Effectively

Join the growing group world-wide, who are able to facilitate programs in Emotional Judo®, by doing a Train-the-Trainer program and gaining a license.


Whether you wish to use it for in-organization facilitation, or for another offering within your existing training/consultancy business.

Train Leaders, Managers, and Business Owners, who seek effective tactics for:

  • Managing under performing and poorly behaved staff

  • Having difficult conversations with managers, colleagues, staff and customers

  • Getting staff to take more accountability

  • Influencing and aligning stakeholders

  • Negotiating and guiding resistance to change

  • Crafting a high-performance culture

Emotional Judo® - Tools to Master Difficult and Vital Conversations 


Emotional Judo® 2 - Tools to Master Influence and Persuasion 


Emotional Judo® 3 - The “Inner Game” Emotional Intelligence 


Foundation Tools for Better Relationships




Deliverable online, hybrid or in classroom.


These programs are run within organisations by negotiation.

For more information please contact Tim via the Contact Us page.

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Learn the 10 tools from the international best-selling book Emotional Judo® plus a whole lot more about yourself and how to improve your relationships. Packed full of action oriented learning aimed at behavioural change.



  • Learn the hidden, crucial key to building winning relationships.

  • Do an online assessment to identify your habits related to this key.

  • Build capacity to use this key to gain advantage in difficult conversations.

  • Self-assess the feelings that limit your capacity to manage difficult conversations.

  • Develop strategies to over-ride these or in certain cases create an ongoing plan to manage the issues.

  • Assess your workplace relationships through the five aspects of trust and create a plan to improve key relationships.

  • Build your empathy capacity and not be a soft touch.



  • Build more trusting relationships through the ABCDE model. 

  • Use EASE to say “no”, set your boundaries, negotiate, and resolve disagreements.

  • Provide positive and constructive feedback through the U WIN/I WIN framework to invite collaboration, minimize push-back and conflict, and gains win/win outcomes. Improve relationships, productivity and capability as a result.

  • Be ready for the Sneaky Seven – seven ways that people will try and destabilise your communication

  • Interrupt the sneaky seven and move to a beneficial outcome with two essential tools

  • Quickly assess whether now is the right time or situation to speak up. 

  • Deal effectively with a bully or a person who is not respectful of your boundaries.

  • Effectively call people on their unethical behavior to bring them into line and avoid conflict. 

  • Get very black and white people stuck to their viewpoint to see an alternative.

  • Build stronger relationships with people across generations and cultures.


Because everyone is different, this program is for people who need that little bit of extra help with issues related to anger, fear, lack of confidence, shame, control, or lack of significance. The Outer Game of Emotional Judo® is an outward facing program. Ideally candidates will have done the Outer Game and need some added help in mastering their own emotions that (This can be added into the Outer Game program*)

Packed full of action oriented learning aimed at behavior and emotional change.


  • Analyse where your sticking points are on the significance scaffold and create personal focus for the program (if not already conceived)

  • Increase your emotional literacy by balancing the twelve key emotions and identify what feeds your current behaviour

  • Deconstruct your current view of your capacity to change

  • Build greater empathy capacity and create strong boundaries

  • Create strategies to disempower the nasties such as, pessimism, lack of confidence, anxiety, shame, poor self-control and lack of significance

  • Reconstruct your desired view of yourself

  • Build motivation and a plan to continue your personal growth beyond the program



“When we avoid difficult conversations,

we trade short-term discomfort

for long-term dysfunction.”


Peter Bromberg – US Libraries Consultant

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Train The Trainer Contact



Sydney, Australia based.

Global Coaching Network.

  • Dr Tim Higgs LinkedIn
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Please complete the following form and we will contact you by email to discuss your requirements.

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ARE YOU AN: Internal Trainer or External Consultancy?

Thanks for submitting your contact form. You will be contacted by Tim Higgs from Catapult LPC

Dr Tim Higgs

PsyD, Cultural Psychologist, Speaker, Facilitator, Coach

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© 2024 Emotional Judo® All Rights Reserved.

Catapult LPC Pty Ltd

ABN 99 165 471 929


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